
Published and Accepted Work

Unwarranted Disparity in High-Stakes Decisions: Race Measurement and Policy Responses
Forthcoming at CRIW Race, Ethnicity and Economic Statistics for the 21st Century 

with Jason Baron, Joseph Doyle, Peter Hull, and Joe Ryan

"Working" Remotely? Selection, Treatment, and Market Provision of Remote Work
     Forthcoming at the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics

with Emma Harrington
      Appendix  •   Slides
Selected CoverageMarginal Revolution   The Economist  •  The Financial Times  •  BBC  •  The New York Times  •  NPR  •  Vox

Tripping Through Hoops: The Effect of Violating Compulsory Government Procedures  
    Forthcoming at the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy

with Helen Ho Coverage: Probable Causation Podcast